What is his definition of social responsibility

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133338517

Case Study: Students will interview a manager of their choice to learn more about corporate social responsibility. During the interview, students will ask questions related to the manager's perceptions and beliefs regarding corporate social responsibility and how closely their company aligns with the six step approach to implementing a stakeholder perspective in social responsibility

The student will 1) summarize the interview and overarching themes and 2) provide recommendations on how the company can enhance their overall social responsibility efforts.

Questions: Recommended interview questions include the following (you may tailor these to fit your needs for this assignment):

  1. What is his definition of social responsibility? What are the benefits of social responsibility your company, consumers, and stakeholders? (It may be helpful to share the definition with them from the textbook to help guide the conversation.)
  2. What role he plays in social responsibility efforts at your company?
  3. How do corporate social responsibility efforts align with the corporate culture of the organization? Are there opportunities for improvement?
  4. Who are the stakeholders involved and/or impacted by his social responsibility efforts?
  5. What issues are being addressed because of his social responsibility efforts?
  6. How does he gather input, feedback, and generate buy-in from your stakeholders (employees, consumers, board members, regulators, suppliers, media, community, etc.) regarding social responsibility efforts?
  7. How does his social responsibility efforts align with your company's strategy, mission, and vision?
  8. From his perspective, how committed to social responsibility are the executive leadership team and management teams at your company? Are levels of financial and organizational investments aligned with the organization's commitment to social responsibility?

Reference no: EM133338517

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