What is hester response to chillingworths telling her

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Reference no: EM133329874


1. Notice that Chillingworth is called a "leech" in the chapters in which he interacts with Dimmesdale, but a "physician" in this interaction with Hester. Considering the definition of "leech," what do you suppose is Hawthorne's point in using these two designations?

2. What is Hester's response to Chillingworth's telling her that the Council had debated allowing her to remove her scarlet letter? 3. Look again at what you found out about the Anti-Transcendentalists. Why is forgiveness not an option?

4. How is the doctrine of predestination reflected in this conversation between Hester and Chillingworth?

5. Why does Chillingworth believe he has a double reason for punishing Dimmesdale?

6. Compare Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth in terms of their responses to the initial sin.

7. What pleas of Hester's arouse sympathy and admiration in Chillingworth?

8. What does Hester ask of Chillingworth? What is his response?

9. What element from the beginning of this chapter has repeated itself in the end?


1. What is Hester coming to realize is the true sin she has committed? Why would Hawthorne consider this worse than her affair with Dimmesdale?

2. What key sentence does Hawthorne use to show that Hester realizes the severity of her original mistake regarding Chillingworth?

3. How is Pearl described during her time on the beach? How does what Hawthorne says reveal her character?

4. Hester refuses to answer Pearl's question about the meaning of the "A." Why does Hester not confide in Pearl?

5. Why does Hawthorne portray Pearl as a wild child?

6. How have Hester's conversations with Chillingworth and Pearl changed her attitude toward herself and her sin?

Question 3 - A FOREST WALK

1. Explain the significance of the sunlight imagery.

2. When Hester decides to warn Dimmesdale about Chillingworth, why does Hawthorne set the meeting in the forest?

3. What positive significance does the forest begin to take on?

4. What negative significance does the forest begin to assume?

5. In what way does Hester acknowledge her sin to Pearl?


1. How is Hawthorne advancing his theme of the difference between revealed and secret sin?

2. Explain the distinction Dimmesdale makes between penance and penitence.

3. Locate the irony in the paragraph that begins, "No, Hester, no!" What type of irony is it?

4. What do we learn is the emotional connection between Hester and Dimmesdale? Why is this significant to the developing theme of the book?

5. Do you believe Hester is to blame for Dimmesdale's suffering during the past seven years? Why or why not?

6. What theme about the nature of sin finally begins to emerge in Hester and Dimmesdale's conversation?

7. Does Hawthorne believe a "polluted soul" can do good for others?

8. This chapter ends on an optimistic note. What is the source of the optimism?


1. What contrast does the narrator point out between Hester and Dimmesdale's ability to leave town?

2. Why does Dimmesdale decide to flee with Hester?

3. What is significant about the title of this chapter?

4. How does Hawthorne reinforce his idea that nature is sympathetic with the union of Hester and Dimmesdale?

5. Why would children dislike Dimmesdale?


1. Beyond Hester's explanation, why will Pearl not come to Hester without the scarlet letter?

2. What is implied about the fact that Pearl will not bring her mother the scarlet letter, but makes Hester pick it up herself?

3. Why will Pearl not show any affection to Dimmesdale? Why does she want him to walk with them hand-in-hand in the marketplace?

4. This chapter begins on the same optimistic sentiment that ends the previous one. On what kind of note does the chapter end? Why?


1. What would account for Dimmesdale's sudden change?

2. In terms of Hawthorne's theme contrasting hidden sin versus revealed sin, how can you explain Dimmesdale's change in this chapter?

3. Why is the chapter called "The Minister in a Maze"?

4. After the meeting with Mistress Hibbins, how has Dimmesdale changed again?

5. How does Hawthorne describe the written sermon?


1. How is Pearl contrasted with Hester in the beginning pages of this chapter?

2. Compare these first-generation New Englanders with their recent English ancestors and with their future New England descendants.

3. What distressing news does Hester receive from the ship captain?

4. Besides providing additional information, what purpose does this chapter serve?


1. What purpose might Hawthorne have for the lengthy description of the march of people through the town?

2. What is the source of Dimmesdale's apparent new strength?

3. What function does Mistress Hibbins play in this scene? What is she saying about the people of Salem Village?

4. What does Pearl want from Dimmesdale?

5. Explain the remarks "The sainted minister in the church! The woman of the scarlet letter in the market-place!"

6. What clues has Hawthorne offered his reader to prepare him or her for the revelation of the scarlet letter, the title of the next chapter?


1. Why does Dimmesdale stand "on the very proudest eminence of superiority" before the crowd?

2. What does Chillingworth mean when he says, "There was no one place...where thou couldst have escaped me,-save on this very scaffold!"

3. In what way is Dimmesdale's sin worse than Hester's? Of Hester, Chillingworth, and Dimmesdale, whose sin is the worst? Why?

4. What accounts for the change in Pearl?

5. Many critics believe the novel is structured around the three scaffold scenes: those in Chapters II and XII, and this one. Explain how each fits into the typical plot scheme of conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion.

Question 11- CONCLUSION

1. What theories are given about the scarlet letter imprinted in the minister's flesh?

2. Why does Hawthorne allow for multiple interpretations of whether there even was "any mark whatever" on Dimmesdale's chest. Why does he also leave the origin of Dimmesdale's mark ambiguous?

3. What happens to Chillingworth? What does he give Pearl?

4. What becomes of Pearl?

5. Why do you suppose Hester returns to Boston? What might be Hawthorne's point about sin, repentance, and redemption?

Reference no: EM133329874

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