What is hazard in your state that presents high risk

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133155545

1. What is a hazard in your state that presents a high risk? Is it necessary to assess the risk and the capabilities annually to mitigate and prepare for a sufficient response?

2. The COVID-19 pandemic is a call to action for a consolidated alternative framework called the Top-Hazards Approach (THA), arguing that inherently different events require different planning and mitigation tactics, and therefore should be prioritized according to likelihood and severity in each local context" (2021).

What is your perspective on this analytical approach?

Reference no: EM133155545

Questions Cloud

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Describe environmental threat : Describe the environmental threat. What caused it, and what are the major negative implications?
What is hazard in your state that presents high risk : What is a hazard in your state that presents a high risk? Is it necessary to assess the risk and the capabilities annually to mitigate
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Facility vulnerability and countermeasure : What countermeasures are in place? Who (threat) or what (hazard) are the countermeasures designed to deal with?
Which type of natural disaster : Which of these natural disasters do you feel is the worst and why? Which type of natural disaster is most likely to occur in your area?
OSHA focus on the healthcare industry : Review this module's video (webinar) concerning OSHA's focus on the healthcare industry and use of the General Duty Clause to justify its approach


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