What is good translation of eudaimonia

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Reference no: EM133426471


1. Describe the role of practical wisdom in Aristotle's virtue ethics.

2. What is the proper function, or purpose, of the human being?

A. Calculative rationality

B. Appetitive rationality

C. Appetitive irrationality

D. Nutritive irrationality

3. According to Aristotle, what are the two types of virtue?

4. What is a good translation of "eudaimonia"?

5. Suppose you were in a battle and you are approaching a dangerous situation that arouses some fear, what action would best align with the doctrine of the mean?

A. Steadfastness in the face of danger

B. Running away for self-preservation

C. Charging confidently into the danger

D. Cleverly deceiving the opposing army

Reference no: EM133426471

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