What is geotourism and how can it impact a region

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131094358

Choose 2 of the 3 topics. Each topic (choose any two) each must be 10-pages, not including references, and must follow APA-Style formatting.

The deadline to turn in your paper is June 19th, 2016 by midnight.

Any papers turned in after June 19th, 2016; midnight, will not be accepted. No exceptions.

(1) What are some ways that people can help heal the planet through their food choices?

(2) Think about an animal that you know about. In what ways is its behavior similar to or different from human behavior?

(3) What is geotourism and how can it impact a region?

Reference no: EM131094358

Questions Cloud

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What is geotourism and how can it impact a region : What are some ways that people can help heal the planet through their food choices? Think about an animal that you know about. In what ways is its behavior similar to or different from human behavior? What is geotourism and how can it impact a regio..
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