Reference no: EM132765964
Problem 1: Which of the following may qualify as a qualifying asset?
a) 100-storey building purchased from a contractor
b) Titanic ship that took 100 years to construct, purchased from a retail store
c) Movie that takes 10 years to shoot
d) Building that takes 3 years to construct, to be classified as investment property under fair value model
Problem 2: What is the general principle of capitalizing costs to property, plant and equipment?
a) All costs which will provide a benefit beyond one year are capitalized.
b) Only depreciable costs are capitalized.
c) All cost associated with the acquisition or construction of a plant asset are capitalized.
d) All cost incurred to bring the asset to its intended condition and location are capitalized.
e) All costs relevant to the acquisition and long-term maintenance of a plant asset are capitalized.