What is frequency of the fork

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134706


When two tuning forks are struck simultaneously, 9 pulses of increased sound intensity per second are heard. Frequency of one fork is 600 Hz. From this, you can determine the two possible frequencies for the other fork. While a piece of tape is attached to the 600-Hz fork, its frequency decreases slightly and the frequency of intensity pulses increases. What is frequency of the other fork?


A diverging lens (f = -13 cm) is located 23.0 cm to the left of a converging lens (f = 33.8 cm). A 2.60 cm tall object stands to the left of the diverging lens, exactly at its focal point.

(a) Find out the distance of the final image relative to the converging lens.

(b) What is height of the final image (including proper algebraic sign)?

Reference no: EM134706

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