What is fiduciary duty of directors

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Reference no: EM133326023


1. In what ways, and why, did US corporate management organizations seek to tighten rules around shareholder proposals? What is the gist of the ICCR's objection?

2. What are proxy advisory firms, and what role to they play in the era of "asset management capitalism"? In what ways, and why, did US corporate management organizations seek to limit the influence of these firms? What is the gist of Dayen's objection?

3. What does Strauss find paradoxical about event-driven/OV securities fraud litigation? What are the three potential social benefits of this kind of litigation? For each of these kinds of benefits, to what extent does Strauss think that they are achieved, and why?

4. Compare and contrast the fiduciary and other duties of directors toward shareholders and other stakeholders in the new Indian Companies Act, the UK Companies Act, and under standard American corporate law. How, if at all, do you expect corporate behaviour to differ under these different legal regimes, and why?

5. What is the fiduciary duty of directors? What is the "best interests of the corporation"? Compare and contrast of agency theory and team production theory.

6. What is the oppression remedy for? How does an oppression action differ from a derivative action? What are the two "prongs" ("elements" or analytic steps) in an action for oppression?

Reference no: EM133326023

Questions Cloud

Religions is in actuality worshipping of society : Explain how Durkheim comes to the conclusion that the worshipping of gods existing within religions is in actuality the worshipping of society itself.
Honor-based social system exist in contract-based society : Can an honor-based social system exist in a contract-based society?
Explain what the prison industrial complex : Explain what the Prison Industrial Complex is, why it exists, how it is sustained, and what you think a solution may be.
Consider professional development sessions : Consider professional development sessions you have attended and describe the characteristics of what you consider to be a good presentation.
What is fiduciary duty of directors : What is the fiduciary duty of directors? What is the "best interests of the corporation"? Compare and contrast of agency theory and team production theory.
Discuss Durkheim study of suicide : Discuss Durkheim's study of suicide. What were the three types of suicide that he outlined? What were his major findings?
Economist and biologist and advances sociological view : Undermines the arguments made by the economist and biologist and advances a sociological view.
Sociological imagination : Your sociological imagination, take an everyday activity and connect it to larger social structures, historical forces, or patterns of behaviour.
What are ethical tension : What are the ethical tension that arise in social work professions while working with diverse groups of clients including aboriginal and Torres strait islander


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