What is family therapy

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133179


The DSM IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) identifies 14 general areas of adult mental illness

1. Mood Disorders

2. Anxiety Disorders

3. Factitious Disorder

4. Dissociative Disorders

5. Eating Disorders

6. Impulse Control Disorders

i). Describe ONE of the disorders mentioned above and elaborate on the

(a) Symptoms

(b) Causes

(c) Treatment

ii). Identify 2 subtypes of the disorder that you have described above


i) Define the following terms

(a) Mental Illness

(b) Mental Health

ii) What are the factors that are usually associated with high rates of diagnosed mental disorder?


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th. Edition. Better known as the DSM-IV the manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and covers all mental health disorders for both children and adults. It as well lists known causes of these disorders, statistics in terms of gender, age at onset and prognosis as well as some research concerning the optimal treatment approaches. The DSM uses a multiaxial or multidimensional approach to diagnosing for the reason rarely do other factors in a person's life not impact their mental health. It assesses five dimensions

i) Identify and explain the 5 dimensions of the DSM-IV

ii) According to you what are the limitations of the DSM IV?


An alternative approach to mental health is one that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body and spirit. There is a wide array of alternative techniques to mental health and some are based on self help, expressive therapies, culturally based therapies, Relaxation and stress reduction techniques and technology based applications

i) Describe the expressive therapies listed below and discuss how they can contribute the mental health of an individual

a) Dance / Movement therapy

b) Music / Sound therapy

c) Art therapy


i). What is family therapy?

ii). What roles do families and society play in dealing with mental illness?

Reference no: EM133179

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