What is eva self-employment tax liability for the year

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13329193

Eva received $60,000 in compensation payments from JAZZ Corp. during 2013. Eva incurred $5,000 in business expenses relating to her work for JAZZ Corp. JAZZ did not reimburse Eva for any of these expenses. Eva is single and she deducts a standard deduction of $6,100 and a personal exemption of $3,900. Based on these facts answer the following questions: Use Tax rate schedule.

a. Assume that Eva is considered to be an employee. What amount of FICA taxes is she required to pay for the year?

b. Assume that Eva is considered to be an employee. What is her regular income tax liability for the year?

c. Assume that Eva is considered to be a self-employed contractor. What is her self-employment tax liability for the year?

d. Assume that Eva is considered to be a self-employed contractor. What is her regular tax liability for the year?

Reference no: EM13329193

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