What is euthyphro second definition of piety

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13679392

6. What is Euthyphro's second definition of piety? What is found deficient in the second definition of piety?
7.What statement does Euthyphro agree to which sets up the refutation of the second definition?
8. What is Euthyphro's third definition of piety? How is it different from the second definition? What is found deficient in the third definition?
9. What important distinction does Socrates ask Euthyphro for in examining the third definition?
10. How is the distinction above related to the distinction between subjective and objective properties?
11. If, instead, Euthyphro had said 'something is pious because it's loved by the gods', how would he face a version of the objection to Divine Command theories of ethics?
12. What is Socrates' philosophical method and how do we see it exhibited in the dialogue?
13. What, if anything, can Euthyphro have gained through his discussion with Socrates? Can this be generalized to explain what is gained by living an examined life?

Reference no: EM13679392

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