What is equal rights amendment

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Reference no: EM133404483

In a Women's Paths to Power

1. The 1960's we see the feminist movement reawaken. Name at least one of the woman who played a crucial role in this reawakening and how she did it.

2. What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)? Discuss its development, protections and why its passage is important.

3. After reading this chapter, what surprised you the most about women in American government? Is there a particular person, group or maybe just policies limiting women's rights that you did not know about? If you identify as a woman, how does this make you feel? If you identify as a man, how does this make you feel?

Reference no: EM133404483

Questions Cloud

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What is voter fraud and what is its prevalence : What is voter fraud? What is its prevalence? What is voter suppression? Give examples do you think it's real? Why or why not ?
What is equal rights amendment : What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)? Discuss its development, protections and why its passage is important.
Analyze power and authority of the florida governor : Analyze the power and authority of the Florida Governor. How have individual governors have transformed the office over time?
Gender inequalities in electorate are significant : Do you believe that gender inequalities in the electorate are significant/important? What variables can have an impact on gender disparities/gaps?
What is difference between just law and unjust law : What is the difference between a just law and an unjust law (refer to King, 1963)? What is meant by the veil of ignorance?
United states to carry debt ceiling : Does it make sense for the United States to carry a debt ceiling?


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