What is epidemic

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Reference no: EM133393530


1. What is an epidemic?

A sudden increase in the incidence of a disease that is confined to a limited area

A sudden increase in the incidence of a disease that affects a very large area

2. Which types of specimens are most likely to survive over time for analysis to explore past epidemics?



Both A and B

No physical evidence has survived for this type of analysis

3. Instances of isolating people with specific illnesses from those unaffected are completely modern.

4. The bacteria that causes the bubonic plague is spread by fleas and rats.



5. Many 19th century scientists had a difficult time accepting the germ theory of disease.



6. The germ theory of disease helped to explain earlier deaths that occurred in domestic environments perceived to be clean.

7. Which of the following people researched the process of infection and the germ theory of disease?

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Casimir Davaine

All of the above

8. John Snow was ___________.

A doctor living in 19th century London who used the scientific method to figure out the source of cholera outbreak

A blacksmith living in 19th century London who discovered the source of cholera through his work

A clergy member living in 19th century London who presided over the funerals of those killed by the cholera outbreak

A magician living in 19th century London who accidentally discovered the source of cholera

9. Port cities were particularly affected by the Modern Plague.



10. The 1918 influenza pandemic was interpreted identically among different belief systems.

11. Medical historians have found evidence for _____ distinct bubonic plague pandemic(s).





12. The third bubonic plague pandemic caused the greatest number of deaths in ____ and _____.

Hong Kong and India

China and San Francisco

San Francisco and Glasgow

Glasgow and China

13. In the United States, the death toll from the 1918 influenza pandemic was greater than the number of US soldiers that died in World War I.

14. Unlike seasonal influenza, the death rate of the 1918 influenza pandemic was very high among ______.

Young adults

The very old

The very young


Reference no: EM133393530

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