What is environmental justice

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Reference no: EM133246128

Assignment - Environmental Justice Discussion - Environmental racism question

Have you personally witnessed or experienced Environmental Racism? What has been your experience? Maybe you are just learning that it is a thing? How can our society move more towards a model of Environmental Justice? Share your thoughts.

Q1. What is environmental justice? What are the social, political, and economic factors producing environmental injustice? How is the environmental justice movement different from the mainstream environmental movement focused on preservation and conservation?

Q2. The concepts of white privilege and environmental racism are both introduced in this chapter. What is each concept and how are they related to each other? How does each concept shape the environmental justice movement, in terms of its members, its tactics, and its discourses?

Q3. Think about where you lived growing up. Did you live in a community that had environmental benefits or burdens? Was it full of parks and green spaces or garbage dumps and chemical plants? Were there high or low rates of cancer and asthma? What structural-level factors shaped your community's odds of having these environmental benefits or burdens?

Reference no: EM133246128

Questions Cloud

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