Reference no: EM132941336
Question 1 Describe three effective verbal and three non-verbal communication techniques that can be used when making a presentation.
Question 2 Discuss four tips for preparing for and/or giving an effective presentation. For each tip, give a brief explanation.
Question 3 What is effective communication? Discuss in detail how effective communication can be achieved.
Question 4 Describe four presentation aids and/or materials and the circumstances in which you would use each one.
Question 5 Identify and discuss five requirements that a company may have in relation to developing a PowerPoint presentation. Why would they have these requirements in place?
Question 6 Discuss two reasons why you might use a video in a presentation.
Question 7 Describe three techniques that can be used to evaluate a presentation. Give a brief summary of each.
Question 8 Briefly discuss why it could be beneficial to video yourself in preparation for a presentation.
Question 9 Identify three different survey response scales that could be used in an evaluation survey. Provide an example of when each could be used to obtain relevant feedback.
Question 10 Identify three copyright issues you might need to consider when creating a presentation aid such as a PowerPoint. Give an example for each on how to avoid these issues.
Question 11 Research the term 'Fair Dealing' and summarise what students are allowed to do under the Copyright Act 1968.