What is effect of some economic variable on the growth rates

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131152560

The Effects of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) On Economic growth

14 pages - Paper was written by this site. But, I got feedback on the paper from a professor. But, this paper is totally wrong. This is feedback.

You have to do your own Data analysis. You are basically writing a big summary of others' papers. Please read the Writing Assignment instructions and address the issues mentioned in the outline feedback. It is very important to change these before the final draft. If you have questions, please come to the office hours.

Also, the Literature survey is wrong. this part has to be written what the artcles is related to this paper. Also, Theoretical Arguments, and Regression, statistical analysis, and data analysis have to make onw data.

The Final Draft_Econ 3441W is best example of this paper. plase make this paper similar to the paper. wehave to make own data.

This is CPI data.



Writing Assignment

Assignment Objective:

The objective of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to:

1. Apply analytical skills and economic concepts to examine an interesting economic development issue.

2. Learn how to write a formal report underpinned by economic logic and evidence.

Expectations for the Assignment

• Your report should include the economic analysis of a "development issue", and your own insight into the factors involved. Survey or descriptive papers (reporting other people's work/ideas on issues) or hypothetical scenarios are not acceptable. Your target audience for the report is educated college graduates.

• The assignment has four parts; each part must be turned in on the due date. Late assignments will only be accepted under documented special circumstances. See calendar on the class website for due dates.

• We will use the program Dropbox to organize all files related to this assignment. Each student will have a Dropbox folder which will be shared with me and the writing assistant. The assignments must be uploaded directly to those folders.

• The only acceptable format is .doc (or .docx), we will use the Review options on Microsoft Word to provide comments and make corrections to your paper.

• If you have any problem understanding what is expected from you or how to go about completing this assignment successfully, please contact me or the writing assistant.

Assignment Format

The assignment has four parts, each nesting the preceding one

1. Topic
2. Outline
3. First Draft
4. Final Version

Please name the files you upload to the Dropbox according to the titles above. You don't need to include your name in the file name. For instance, I expect your topic to appear in folder as "Topic.doc".

1. TOPIC of the Report

• You must submit a one-page paper carefully explaining the chosen topic.

• Title (one sentence bold typed): Write down the question you would like to answer. This question must be related to a development issue and must be susceptible of being solved by the analysis you plan to undertake.

• First paragraph: Describe possible answers to this question and which one you believe to be the most plausible and why. Explain why it is an interesting question to think about.

• Second paragraph: Describe how you would go about finding the answer to this question. In particular, where you could find reliable data to help you with the analysis.

Choosing a Topic

• Be careful that your project is not too general or ambitious. If it is, narrow it to some specific aspect of a more general question. Remember that well- defined topics are easier to complete successfully.

• Your question must not be about one particular country or a small subset of countries. The group of countries your question is about must have at least 20 elements (the more the better). The unit of observation does not need to be countries; it could be states, regions or even municipalities. However, in these cases it is usually hard to find data, so make sure to check data availability beforehand. Make sure you can obtain at least 20 years of data for the countries you chose (the same 20 years for all countries).

• Do not pick illegal goods or countries which do not have reliable data.

Examples of Possible Topics

• Here are some examples of good topics:

- What is the effect of some economic variable (e.g. college education) on the growth rates (or levels of GDP) of some group of countries (e.g. Sub- Saharan Africa)?

- What is the impact of a particular type of economic policy on the growth rates (or levels of GDP) of some group of countries. For topics of this type you need to have at least 15 countries that implemented the policy and 15 that did not.

- How differently does some economic variable or policy affect the economic growth in different groups of countries (e.g. rich versus poor). For topics of this type you need to have at least 15 countries in each group.

• Below are examples of "UNACCEPTABLE" topics because they are either vague, not related to development, or too broad:

- Asian Financial Crises.

- How does fiscal policy affect European countries.

- Hyperinflation.

- How did a particular policy affect growth rates in Brazil.

- Trade in Coffee between US and Columbia.

- Any hypothetical scenario or a "development survey"

• Students are not allowed to choose the same topic. Even if it happens by chance we will need to deal with it.

2. OUTLINE of the Report

You must submit a 3-5 page paper giving a clear outline of your project. It should contain:

• The title of the report and your name.

• A clear introduction describing the development issue you chose and the way you have decided to analyze it. The question that you are trying to answer should be included in your introduction.

• A literature review. You should read 2-3 papers related to your topic and give a brief summary of those papers. You should cite them properly using any standard citation method. You should also comment on how your analysis relates to theirs; the differences and similarities.

• A summary of your essential ideas or arguments you plan to elaborate on. Try to limit yourself to 3 main points. Feel free to make subsections where needed. Try to base your arguments on the theoretical analysis you learned in class.

• A clear plan of how you are going to answer the question you have proposed. The plan should include a description of where you can find the data you need and what you plan on doing with it.

• A conclusion in which you summarize the main points you have developed so far.

• A bibliography where you list the references and data used. You may add an appendix for graphs, data, or mathematical derivations.


• You should submit a 10-20 page version of your paper containing all your main ideas/points. The paragraphs should be double spaced and the font Times New Roman size 12.

• If your first draft is good, you will only have to make minor revisions before turning it in as your final report and will not need to include new material.

• In the first paragraph of your introduction you must include a thesis statement1, one sentence (bold type). The thesis statement should convey your main idea to the reader; it should be an answer to the question you put forward in your outline. The introduction should also explain why you selected the development issue and the set of countries (or units of observation) you did; why are they interesting?

• The first draft should contain the same elements as the outline, but each point should be fully developed and articulated and the data analysis should be complete. See the file "Paper Structure.pdf" for more information on how to structure your paper.

• You need to provide a complete list of references in your bibliography. Include only the sources you actually used in your paper and make sure your sources are credible.

Some helpful suggestions on thesis statements can be found on the websites below:

• Definition and examples of thesis statements (St. Cloud State University): https://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/thesistatement.html

• How to write a thesis statement (Indiana University): https://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml

• A website that helps you develop a thesis statement: https://www.ozline.com/electraguide/thesis.html

• Developing a thesis statement (University of Wisconsin) https://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/thesis_complete.html

• Thesis Statements (University of North Carolina) https://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/thesis.html


• You should submit a final (10 to 20 pages), polished version of your paper, taking into account the comments made on previous assignments. You should not need to add new material at this stage; although you are allowed to if you have discovered elements that would substantially alter the logic or the conclusions of your paper. Together with your report you need to submit a "Comment Sheet" telling us the changes you made in the paper based on the writing assistant's comments and suggestions on your first draft.

Attachment:- Attachments.rar

Reference no: EM131152560

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