What is different between the head command and get command

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131945625

HTTP Lab Assignment

In this lab we will use the HEAD and GET commands from the HTTP protocol. Together these commands allow you to retrieve information about a web resource (its header) or get the resource itself. Along with PUT and POST (that we won't be using in this lab) these comprise the primary commands in the HTTP protocol.

1 - Login to Icarus using putty

2 - Use Icarus' telnet command to connect to the http port (port 80) of (attached file)

This should take you into the "telnet" command prompt where you can enter telnet commands.

Note: This connection will time out within a short amount of inactive time for security reasons. To complete this lab you will probably have to type the telnet commands into another document, run the telnet command and then paste the commands in. Otherwise you will get disconnected while typing most of the commands.

If you see <your username>@icarus:~$ (or anything similar) then you are back outside of the telnet command prompt. When that happens you'll need to run the telnet command again.

3 - Run the following telnet commands:
(attached file)

Note: You don't need to copy and paste them one by one. Copy and Paste both together.

After entering the commands hit enter twice. Copy and paste the output here.

What is the Content-Type of this file?

4 - Run the following telnet commands (Rerun the telnet connection command if you need to):
(attached file)

After entering the commands hit enter twice. Copy and paste the output here.

What is different between the HEAD command and the GET command?

5 - Run the following telnet commands:
(attached file)

Copy and paste the output here.

What is the Content-Type of this file?

Why do you think the HEAD command tells you the Content-Type?

6 - Think of the commands we just ran from the perspective of your web browser. How do you think a web browser knows when to download a file, when to display it as HTML on your screen and when to display it as a picture or multimedia file?

Attachment:- HTTP Lab Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131945625

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