What is devra webers dark sweat white gold argument

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132047930

All historians tell stories. But they do it with the goal helping readers understand why things happened the way they did.

What is Devra Weber's Dark Sweat White Gold argument? Are you convinced by it? Why or why not? Your response paper must make specific reference to the reading.

This is asking you to not only know what her argument is, but also understand how she is making that argument. What evidence does she use?

How does the history she tells fit with the history we discuss in lecture? Once you have done this, you can then make an argument for whether you are convinced by it and explain why.

To receive a passing grade, you must have a thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion, and an argument that directly addresses the prompt.

Your response should be 700 words long, double spaced. You must submit your response on canvas as a .doc or pdf file only by the due date.


Feel free to quote from the book, but use these quotes sparingly and selectively. If you use quote be sure to cite. For example, (Weber, 87) would be fine.

Reference no: EM132047930

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