What is developmentally appropriate practice

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Reference no: EM133605125

Assignment: Child Guidance

Part I Think Deeper

A. List the key reasons why children need positive and supportive guidance. (Page 3)

B. Describe the influences on a child's behavior in the table below. Provide an example. (Page 4)


Description of the influence on a child's behavior. Use your background knowledge as well.


E.g.Behavior is influenced by age. When a child's increases in age it brings changes in their ability to think, complete tasks and control their behavior. For example, a 2-year-old child cannot make a sandwich whereas most 10-year-old children can make a sandwich independently.

Level of developmental stage and abilities

Environment: Space

Environment: Things

Environment: People

Environment: Time/Program Schedule

Adults who care for children

Family and culture

C. Is it normal for children to make mistakes? Should an Early Childhood Educator Assistant have realistic expectations? (Page 4)

D. Analyze Figure 1.1 tips for teachers on the day-to-day care of young children's brains. (Page 8)

1. Which of these tips resonate with you most?


2. Are there any tips that you do not think benefit a child's brain development?

E. What is developmentally appropriate practice? (Page 11) Describe the three core considerations of developmentally appropriate practice below. (Page 12)

Core Considerations


Know about child development and learning

Know what is individually appropriate

Know what is culturally appropriate

F. Constructivism is an important learning theory that educators use to help children in their care learn. Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your experiences as a learner. Basically, children use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with new things that they learn. Hands-on, active-learning, or child-centered philosophy are constructivist approached. Describe the contributions of constructivist theorists below. (Page 14)

Constructivist Theorists

Key contributions to childhood programming

Jean Piaget

Lev Vygotsky

Reggio Emilia Approach

G. What are the premises of quality education?These statements are the basics of Early Childhood Education. Describe 6 overarching big ideas about child guidance. (Page 22)


Overarching big idea in Early Childhood Education in child guidance







H. Describe the essential requirements for quality programming for ECEA's and what this would look like in a learning environment. (Page 23-30)

Essential requirement for ECE programming

What does this theory look like in practice?

Good human relationships are a fundamental ingredient of a good day

E.g.,Groupings must be kept small to provide the best care possible. Children should be given opportunitiesto move around freely and to explore their environments. Talking to each child and caring for the child is important.

Families must reincluded as part of the life of the school

High quality education must be developmentally appropriate

High-quality education is individualized

High-quality education honors diversity in its many forms

High-quality education uses reasonable and authentic methods of assessment to find out more about children

High-quality education has a balance between self selection and teacher direction; both approaches are valuable

High-quality education should be comprehensive

High-quality teaching is intentional

High-quality education has stability and regularity combined with flexibility

High-quality education has variety

Children need many different kinds of experiences, as well as changes in basic experiences

Children need changes of pace during the day to avoid monotony and fatigue and to maintain a balance of kinds of experiences

Learning must be based on actual experience and participation

Play is an indispensable avenue for learning

The program should be reflected on daily

High quality education promotes ethical standards for teachers

High quality education should encourage advocacy

The day should be pleasurable

I. Why are certain families supportive of programming and others so sceptical? What can you do to open the door to good communication? (Page 34-36)

J. Describe the ways an ECEA can establish a good relationship with families below. (Page 36- )

Factors that improve relationships between the educator and the family


Attitude of the educator

Avoid the "us versus them" mentality

Understanding family diversity

Understanding the challenges when working with families (Page 38)

Show Genuine Concern

Develop cultural competence (Page 40)

K. Describe the process involved in dealing with an angry, frustrated and/or unreasonable caregiver. (Page 42)


Description of process to deal with situation

The Preamble: what to do before the situation arises

Coping with the initial encounter: what to do when that button is pushed

What to do after the complainer departs

L. Describe some general principles for helping families deal with crises? (Page 50)

Part II: Connect and Reflect

Child abuse, also known as maltreatment, is common. It is important to understand and reduce the risks of abuse for your child and be familiar with the signs of abuse and neglect.

About 4 million cases of child abuse and neglect involving almost 7 million children are reported each year. The highest rate of child abuse is in babies less than one year of age, and 25 percent of victims are younger than age three.

Most cases reported involve neglect, followed by physical and sexual abuse. There is a lot of overlap among children who are abused, with many suffering a combination of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and/or neglect.

1. Read section 52 in the BC Child Care Licensingbelow.
2. Read the shared document: Keeping Kids Safe from Abuse in BC.
3. Read: HealthLink BC- Child Abuse and Neglect.

Harmful actions not permitted

(I) A licensee must ensure that a child, while under the care or supervision of the licensee, is not subjected to any of the following:

1. Shoving, hitting, or shaking by an employee or another child, or confinement or physical restraint by another child.

2. Confinement or physical restraint by an employee, except as authorized in a childcare's plan if the care plan includes instructions respecting behavioural guidance.

3. Harsh, belittling, or degrading treatment by an employee or another child, whether verbal, emotional or physical, that could humiliate the child or undermine the child's self respect.

4. Spanking or any other form of corporal punishment.

5. Separation, without supervision by a responsible adult, from other children.

6. As a form of punishment, deprivation of meals, snacks, rest, or necessary use of a toilet.

(II) A licensee must ensure that a child is not, while under the care or supervision of the licensee, subjected to any of the following types of abuse or neglect, as described:

1. emotional abuse;
2. financial abuse;
3. neglect;
4. physical abuse;
5. sexual abuse.

1. Is it ever permissible for a child to undergo any of the harmful actions listed above?

2. Describe what you would do if you saw someone treat a child in a harmful way.

3. Have you seen a child being treated in a harmful manner? What did you do? What would you do differently now, knowing what you know about child guidance and the Child Care Licensing Regulation?

4. What are the common signs of child abuse and neglect? (Page 54)

Signs of Abuse and Neglect


The Child

The Parent

The Parent and the Child

Signs of Physical Abuse

Signs of Neglect

Signs of Sexual Abuse

Signs of Emotional Maltreatment


If you think a child or youth under 19 years of age is being abused or neglected, you have the legal duty to report your concern to a child welfare worker. Phone 1 800 663-9122 at any time of the day or night.

Part III: Theory into Practice

Manjot, a little girl in your learning centre, has started to pinch other children on a regular basis and hit other children when she does not get her way.

1. Describe what you would say to the parent? (Page 46)

2. List some practical pointers for conducting a successful conference with her parents.

3. How would you help Manjot understand that physical violence is never permissible and that there are other ways to deal with situations?

Reference no: EM133605125

Questions Cloud

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What is developmentally appropriate practice : ECEA 200- What is developmentally appropriate practice? (Page 11) Describe the three core considerations of developmentally appropriate practice below.
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