What is definition of racism

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133142396

BUS300S: Question Reflection Assignment (Don't give me copy-paste!!)

  1. Give an example of how Hispanic social group identities (race, class, ethnicity, gender, language, nationality, ability, age, etc.)  impact your Hispanic(<---pretend) opinions and your relationship to "social service."
  2. Which issues do you feel you know the most about? The least?  Why do you think this is?
  3. Which opinions that you have are you least likely to change? Most likely to change?  Why?
  4. Generate some questions that you would like to explore as a result of this assignment.

"Self and Social Awareness

  1. What is your definition of racism?  Classism? Sexism?  Heterosexism?  How have these issues affected you in your life?  How do institutional structures support and maintain these systems of oppression?
  2. How do your privileged and marginalized identities impact how you relate to social justice concerns in your community/society and in your desired career path?

Service and Social Responsibility

  1. Please rate your response to this question on a scale of 1-10 ( 1 = strongly disagree; 10 = strongly agree) and explain why you gave yourself this rating: I personally have a responsibility to contribute to greater societal well-being. Professionals in my chosen field have a responsibility to contribute to greater societal well-being.
  2. What are the goals of "service?"  From your perspective, what acts of "service" have the greatest impact?  How are individual acts of charity related to efforts to bring about long-term social change? How can professionals in your field contribute to long-term social change?

Community & Social Justice

  1. According to the U.S. Census, Native Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and African Americans have significantly higher rates of poverty (24.5%, 22.7%, 21.7%) than non-Hispanic whites and Asian Pacific Islanders (7.8%, 10.2%).  What do you think are the root causes for these disparities?  In your opinion, whose responsibility is it to address these disparities? What relationship do professionals in your field have to these disparities?  How can professionals in your field work to address these disparities?
  2. How can businesses address the issues of Community and Social Justice while still making a profit?

Multicultural Community Building/Civic Engagement

  1. Please rate your response to this question on a scale of 1-10 ( 1 = strongly disagree; 10 = strongly agree) and explain why you gave yourself this rating: As a future professional in the Business field, I have the power to bring about change in the social conditions of my community, society, nation, and world.
  2. Are you personally involved in a movement to bring about social change?  If not, why not?  Do you think you will be personally involved in a movement to bring about social change in the future?  Why or why not? Do you see yourself choosing to be engaged in building a more just and equitable society as a future professional in your field? Why or why not?

Specific Content

  1. What do you think are the causes of business decisions that harm the environment and/or society?  What are some ways to eliminate or drastically reduce these harmful business practices?
  2. What is your reaction to the following statements?  Talk about whether you agree or disagree with these statements and why. In the U.S. society today, almost anyone who works hard can be successful. Business will always damage society and/or the environment to some degree because profit is their priority and the money they make does more good than harm.  It's just the way things are and will always be."

Reference no: EM133142396

Questions Cloud

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Create a more inclusive workplace environment : Research three policies that one or more companies have implemented to create a more inclusive workplace environment. You will then write a paper of three to fo
What is definition of racism : What is your definition of racism? Classism? Sexism? Heterosexism? How have these issues affected you in your life? How do institutional structures support
Identify specific population your program will serve : Identify the specific population your program will serve. Write a primary goal for your program. How should the organization's work be departmentalized?
Context of human capital management : The following questions are to be responded in the context of Human Capital Management:
What changes in the situation would change the analysis : Is there other course material that seems helpful to the situation described? What changes in the situation would change the analysis and recommendation
Alternatives to the balance sheet approach : Do you think costs of living are a good basis for determining the compensation? What are alternatives to the balance sheet approach?


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