What is daily dollar return that could be earned on savings

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13335704

It takes Cookie Cutter Modular Homes, Inc., about six days to receive and deposit checks from customers. Cookie Cutter's management is considering a lockbox system to reduce the firm's collection times. It is expected that the lockbox system will reduce receipt and deposit times to four days total. Average daily collections are $139,000, and the required rate of return is 5 percent per year. Assume 365 days per year.

What is the reduction in outstanding cash balances as a result of implementing the lockbox system?

What is the daily dollar return that could be earned on these savings?

What is the maximum monthly charge Cookie Cutter should pay for this lockbox system if the payment is due at the end of the month?

What is the maximum monthly charge Cookie Cutter should pay for this lockbox system if the payment is due at the beginning of the month?

Reference no: EM13335704

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