Reference no: EM133319105
Question 1:
1. What is Cultural Heritage? Describe how this term is used in Canada?
2. What is Culture?
3. What are the common goals of child-rearing?
Question 2:
1. Culture has a significant influence on the power structure in families. Power and how it is perceived affects the role and responsibilities of parents, children, and others in the community. What are the three forms of power distribution? Describe each one.
2. Where do parents get rules for their behavior? Describe the differences between overt and covert rules. Describe and give examples from your own culture/heritage.
3. How is discipline influenced by religion or culture?
Question 3:
1. Culture is transmitted in many ways. How is the role of language important in developing culture? What forms of language does the textbook examine when transmitting culture?
2. How do you transmit culture through touch?
3. How is food connected to culture? What kind of food is used in your heritage to transmit culture? List foods cultural significance for your family. When and why are these dishes served? Describe how you feel when you eat these foods
Question 4:
1. What are some visual expressions of culture? Provide three personal examples to share with the class.
2. What are some parenting customs? Why is naming a child such an important component of culture?
3. What is the full name you were given and why was it given to you?
3a. Does your name have a particular meaning?
4. What are some of the popular names given in your culture? Provide two for girls and two for boys. 5. Read page 83 - Factors to Consider When Naming Children. Which characteristics is important to you?