What is contemporaries contribution to study of economics

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131684568

Critical Assignment: Biographical Application Paper

The critical assignment is a biographical/application paper of 8-12 pages, APA format. The paper should include a short biographical summary of the theorist including date, place of birth, and education (if relevant). Other questions that could be answered include:

1. Who are the contemporaries of this economist?
2. Who influenced him and/or who has he influenced?
3. What is his major contribution to the study of economics and why is it important?
4. How do you think this economist would view the most recent world-wide financial crisis?
a. What are the factors leading to it?
b. What should have been done to correct it?
c. What factors should be in place to prevent it happening again?
5. For this assignment, you must choose from the list of recommended theorists given below. Other Details in attachement.

Historically Important Economists

Bentham, Jeremy
George, Henry
Hayek, Friedrich
Malthus, Thomas
Marshall, Alfred
Mill, John Stuart
Minsky, Hyman
Mises, Ludwig von
Pigou, A.C.
Ricardo, David
Say, John Baptiste
Schumpeter, Joseph
Veblen, Thorstein.

Attachment:- Critical-Assignment-Details.rar

Reference no: EM131684568

Questions Cloud

Effectiveness of posdcorde management principle : As an Educational Administrator use the "POSDCORDE" management principle in your organization and show its effectiveness in outcomes or output produced
List several laws or treaties covering environmental policy : List several laws, treaties, or regulations covering environmental policy. Choose one of these, and research to find an article covering the specific legislatio
Review the general equilibrium conditions under autarky : Review the general equilibrium conditions under autarky and given free trade using the opportunity cost theory of trade
Develop a health service plan : The purpose of this assignment is to develop a health service plan in order to undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream
What is contemporaries contribution to study of economics : Who influenced him and/or who has he influenced? What is his major contribution to the study of economics and why is it important?
Describes escalation of commitment and the impact : Describes escalation of commitment and the impact that it has within an organization. Use an example to illustrate escalation of commitment
Discuss the three major tax structures : discuss the three major tax structures: income, sales, and property taxes, and advantages of each according to three of criteria for evaluating revenue options.
What the knowledge and skills required by a registered nurse : What are the knowledge and skills required by a registered nurse when working with people who are involuntary under the mental health act
Provide clear explanation of church or organizations mission : Provide a clear explanation of the church or organization's mission. A clear and concise mission statement must be included and explained.


Write a Review

Taxation Questions & Answers

  Taxable income

Determine taxable income before considering expense.

  Prepare a tax research memo

Prepare a tax research memo to the file that addresses the issues you feel are most relevant to Mimi's various issures.

  Income by ordinary concepts

Explain what is meant by income by ordinary concepts

  Identify the tax issues

Identify the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation. Identify any cases and other sources of law or information that apply.

  Calculate carolines taxable income

Calculate Carolines taxable income

  Taxation – law and practice

Show the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation.

  Payment to the taxpayer

Brief statement in your own words of the facts of the cases.

  Prepare regular corporation tax return

Prepare the C Regular Corporation Tax Return for the Lawson And Norman Enterprise

  Taxation law

Advise the participants in the ‘barter' system of the income tax implications, if any, of participating in the system.

  A tax on cigarettes is a good way of raising tax revenue

Discuss- A tax on cigarettes is a good way of raising tax revenue for the government

  Prepare the required journal entry

Prepare the required journal entry to record the tax expense

  Calculate barbs taxable income

Calculate Barb's taxable income? What nonrefundable credit is Barb eligible for based on the information you have?

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