What is community primary mandate in economic development

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133564419

Activity: Government Roles in EconomicDevelopment

Utilizing the Internet conduct a search on a Canadian municipality that has an economic development department. Most large cities have an extensive economic development department, although a considerable number of smaller and rural communities possess one as well. Most of the information you will be required to gather will be posted on the community's website. It will be important to review Activity 1-4 before completing your research. Althoughthis is certainly not an exhaustive list of questions you could address during your research, the following providessome queries which will guide your investigation:

1. What is the community's primary mandate in economic development?

2. What are the most significant contributions the economic development department makes to the economic welfareof the community?

3. What key activities is the economic development department focused on to achieve economic development?

4. Do you see any evidence of partnerships within the economic development department (with other communities, other levels of government or perhaps the privatesector)?

Reference no: EM133564419

Questions Cloud

Effect of government procurement on home demand : Critically evaluate the effect of government procurement on home demand?
Do you think are more effective in promoting free trade : Which do you think are more effective in promoting free trade, the global or regional cooperative agreements? Why?
Discuss the biggest challenge facing the us economy today : Your assessment of what you consider to be the biggest challenge facing the US economy today.
Why is the worlds leading economy : Why is the world's leading economy and one of the richest countries in the middle of the pack on this index (Globalization Index)?
What is community primary mandate in economic development : What are the most significant contributions the economic development department makes to the economic welfareof the community?
Why Nations Fail at education and development : What are the implications of The making of Prosperity and Poverty in Why Nations Fail at education and development?
What is tola opportunity cost of an extra hour of leisure : Write the budget constraint equation, where income depends on leisure. What is Tola's opportunity cost of an extra hour of leisure?
What is the purpose of money-according to aristotle : What is the purpose of money, according to Aristotle? Does it exist by nature or law?
What is scheler hierarchy of values : What is Scheler's hierarchy of values? Were you able to identify yourself with his theory? Why or why not?


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