What is cloud seeding

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133167706

1. Using IOT sensor on an animal should it be legal? As a project manager, would you use it on your project on an animal?

2. Drone is used any many areas now a days. Other than, Rain in Abu Dhabi any other positive use of DRONE that you know of? Please give an example.

3. What is cloud seeding? Which countries are using this technology and why?

4. Will Wi-Fi 6 make any difference in our personal life? Do you see any advantages using Wi-Fi 6 in project management?

5. In medical field what type of emerging technology can help world countries.

6. How could we solve Alpha's Exam issues? Please find a technology to alleviate the traffic issue at the exam time?

Reference no: EM133167706

Questions Cloud

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What is cloud seeding : 1. Using IOT sensor on an animal should it be legal? As a project manager, would you use it on your project on an animal?
Evaluate the met process : Evaluate the MET process (Exhibit OL-2). What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the MET technique?
Breaking the vicious cycle of poverty : In many developing countries, the majority of citizens make their living through microenterprises-informal, tiny businesses that barely yield enough to survive.
Assignment on data visualization-infographic : Critical evaluation of a use case of both a Data Visualization & Infographic (inclusive of Pros/Cons & Recommendations) The assignment is to research and select
Milton friedman views on the purpose of a corporation : Compare and contrast Milton Friedman's views on the purpose of a corporation (that the only social responsibility a corporation has is to increase its profits)


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