Reference no: EM13766259 , Length: word count:2400
Religion plays a profound role in the health and healing beliefs and practices of traditional people from all walks of life. This is especially true in times of birth and of death. In this paper, you will examine religious beliefs related to a health care situation.
Begin by selecting one of the following religions: Jehovah Witness, Islam, or Christian Science.
Submit an eight- to ten- page research paper containing a minimum of six to eight scholarly sources addressing the following case scenario:
Case Scenario
A man accompanies his 25 year old wife to the emergency room. The woman is concerned about severe pains and abdominal cramping she is experiencing. A doctor's examination finds that the woman is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is one in which a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies cannot continue to birth (term). The developing cells must be removed to save the mother's life.
The doctor explains the diagnosis to the couple. The doctor outlines the following medical treatment plan: insertion of an intravenous (IV) line, administration of pain medication, and surgical intervention. The physician explains that the surgery will consist of removal of the developing cells, potential need for blood product administration, and administration of IV antibiotics. When the couple begins to refuse surgery based on their religious beliefs, the doctor explains that an ectopic pregnancy is considered an emergency procedure and must take place within the hour.
Given their religious beliefs, explain how the couple is likely responding to the diagnosis and the medical treatment plan. Consider the following questions when formulating your response.
• What are the general beliefs of the religion as related to birth?
• What are the general beliefs of the religion as related to death?
• What are the general beliefs of the religion related to illness and disease?
• What are the general beliefs of the religion related to healing practices?
Explain how the medical team might consider responding after hearing the couple's concerns. Consider the following questions (conceptual framework of the health care providers) when formulating your response:
• What is causing the pain and suffering in the ectopic pregnancy?
• Is one person's health and well being taking a higher priority over another person's health and well-being (mother, baby)?
• What is the health care provider's perception of time as related to this situation?
• What has the medical model concluded is necessary for this patient's situation?
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