What is cantonas wacc if it doesnt have to issue new stock

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13333941

Cantona Industries has a target captial structure consisting of 40% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 55% common equity. The before-tax YTM on Cantona's long-term bonds is 9.5%, its cost of preferred stock is 8%, and its cost of retained earning is 12.5%. IF the firm's tax rate is 40%, what is Cantona's WACC if it doesn't have to issue new common stock?

Cantona Industries undertakes a variety of projects with different levels of risk. Cantona adds 2 percentage points to its WACC for high-risk projects and subtracts 2 percentage points from its WACC for low-risk projects. In other words, the cost of capital for a high-risk project equals WACC + 2%, while a low-risk project uses a cost of capital equal to WACC - 2%. WACC remains the same for average-risk projects.

Cantona's managment is considering the following lost of projects, and each project's risk is indicated in the table below. Indicate which projects Cantona Industries should accept:


Project        Expected Rate of Return                 Risk        Accept

A                     10.7%                                      High           Y/N

B                     10.4%                                    Average      Y/N

C                     12.7%                                     High           Y/N

D                      8.5%                                      Low             Y/N

E                      8.6%                                      Average      Y/N

F                       6.7%                                      Low             Y/N

G                       9.1%                                     Low             Y/N

H                      10.9%                                   Average      Y/N

Reference no: EM13333941

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