What is bone remodeling

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Reference no: EM132069212

Module - Case


Assignment Overview

In this Case Assignment, you will visit various sites to learn about skeletal anatomy and function. Studying forensic anthropology can tell you many facts about the deceased based on the appearance of his or her bones. You will then apply your knowledge about the skeletal system to describe how forensic anthropology is used in the identification of deceased persons.

Case Assignment

Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the following questions:

Read the article and watch the video on Bone Biographies at the following site:

Written in Bone: Forensic Files of the 17th Century Chesapeake. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

1. What is the last bone to complete its growth?

2. How are teeth used to estimate age?

3. What is bone "remodeling" and how can it be used to determine age?

4. What is the sciatic notch? How can it be used to determine gender?

Learning from Skeletons.

1. How can the skull be used to determine age?

2. How is the pelvis of a female different from the pelvis of a male?

3. What can the hand bones tell you about the deceased?

4. Select one case file from the website above (see the menu bar on the right, examples include Mystery Moran, My Indiana Home). Describe the case and the key evidence used to solve it.

Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Bone Growth.Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question.

Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages. Use APA formatting for your essay. Pages should have 1-inch margins, and text should be in 12-point type and double-spaced. Include a title page, an introduction, subtitles with answers to the questions, and a concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all the resources you used to complete your essay, such as required readings and any additional resources.

Discussion 1: Cellular, Tissue, and Organ System Relationships

a. Imagine you are a specialized cell in the human body. Your task is to research your cell type and then prepare a resume so that you can apply for a job that suits your skills. Organize your resume as follows for your initial post.

Name: State which type of specialized cell you are.

Address: Identify where in the body you can be found.

Place of birth: Identify where in the body you were formed.

Appearance: Provide an image that illustrates your main features (shape, organelles, any special extensions). Images can be added to your post by selecting the image icon as shown below then uploading your saved image

Skills: List your main roles in the body and explain how your various features allow you to perform them.

Clubs and organizations: Describe your role in forming tissues and organs and your associations with any other specialized cell types.

When responding to classmates, describe how your cell would work together with theirs in helping the body maintain homeostasis.

Some examples of cells you might chose to be: nerve cell, red blood cell, sperm cell, egg cell, photoreceptor cell, taste bud cell, heart cell, muscle cell, fat cell, macrophage, etc.

a. Rubric Name: GE Discussion Grading Rubric (Imagine you are a specialized cell in the human body)
The initial post demonstrates a clear reflection and understanding of all aspects of the discussion question(s); Use of factual, relevant information and development of the concepts are fully evident. All questions in the prompt are completely addressed. The post is at least 150+ words in length

b. Disruption of Homeostasis

Contains unread posts

As a follow-up to your initial post, select a disease or disorder that is related to dysfunction of the cellular, tissue, and organ system(s) that you described in your initial post and answer the following questions:

1.) Describe the symptoms of the disease/disorder you have selected and how the affected cellular, tissue, and organ system(s) are impacted.

2.) Discuss how common this disease/disorder is in the general population.

3.) Discuss any treatments and/or preventive strategies that are used to combat this disease/disorder.

b. Rubric Name: GE Discussion Grading Rubric (b. Disruption of Homeostasis)
There were at least two substantive replies to peers. Overall, the replies demonstrated analysis of others' posts, extended meaningful discussions by building on previous posts, and offered alternative perspectives. Each reply was 100+ words.

Discussion 2: Exercise in a Pill

U.S. researchers say they have developed a pill that makes you fit without exercising. Scientists at California's Salk Institute for Biological Studies tested a new drug on genetically engineered "marathon mice" that could run non-stop for hours. The new discovery could benefit those who do not get the recommended 40 minutes of exercise per day. Professor Evans said: "If you're out of shape, and most of us are ... you have to do some exercise. ... If there was a way to mimic exercise, it would make the quality of exercise [we] have much more efficient."

Fitness experts are unconvinced by the new discovery. They say there is no substitute for real exercise and a balanced, healthy diet. However, it seems there would be enormous appeal for a pill that does away with the need for strenuous workouts or sweating it out jogging. It could additionally reduce a large number of diseases related to obesity and be used to treat muscle-wasting diseases. The pills are still in the experimental stage.

1. How is a pill like this expected to work on the muscular system? How is it expected to impact other areas of the body?

2. Exercise directly acts on the body's skeletal muscle and cardiovascular system. So how will the brain know that the body just worked out after taking this medication?

3. What negative effects would you expect from a pill designed to mimic exercise?

4. Do you think a pill to mimic exercise would be safe and effective? Why or why not?

Rubric Name: GE Discussion Grading Rubric (Discussion 2: Exercise in a Pill)

The initial post demonstrates a clear reflection and understanding of all aspects of the discussion question(s); Use of factual, relevant information and development of the concepts are fully evident. All questions in the prompt are completely addressed. The post is at least 150+ words in length.

Discussion 3: Stress and the Endocrine System

Across the country, people are experiencing increasing levels of stress, periods when they feel overwhelmed by overcrowded inboxes and jammed weekly schedules. Some clinicians say "We're less healthy, both physically and mentally. We have less time for personal pleasures. And we're more dissatisfied with the quality of our lives."

Any time we're in a situation beyond our control, our bodies release hormones in response which allow us to engage our fight-or-flight response. Without them, we would not recognize or react to danger. But when a brain is constantly stressed, confronted with a daily onslaught of overwhelming situations, our bodies begin to pump out these hormones in excess, throwing off the body's other systems and overpowering the immune system.

- Describe our body's hormonal reaction to stress, both short- and long-term and how this impacts our other body systems. Include the endocrine organs and hormones involved. Is stress ever a good thing? If so, why?

Rubric Name: GE Discussion Grading Rubric (Discussion 3: Stress and the Endocrine System)
The initial post demonstrates a clear reflection and understanding of all aspects of the discussion question(s); Use of factual, relevant information and development of the concepts are fully evident. All questions in the prompt are completely addressed. The post is at least 150+ words in length.

Discussion 4: Under Our Skin

Read the following article about the sensory function of our skin and answer the question below in your initial post:

Swerdlow, J. Unmasking Skin. National Geographic. 1. What is the somatosensory system?

2. The article claims that we can live without some of our senses, but not without touch. Why is this so? Give two examples where this proves true, one that is not directly taken from the article (i.e., think of one on your own!).

3. Do you think artificial skin could be developed to have a sense of touch? Why or why not?

Rubric Name: GE Discussion Grading Rubric (Discussion 4: Under Our Skin)

The initial post demonstrates a clear reflection and understanding of all aspects of the discussion question(s); Use of factual, relevant information and development of the concepts are fully evident. All questions in the prompt are completely addressed. The post is at least 150+ words in length.

Attachment:- Discussion.zip

Reference no: EM132069212

Questions Cloud

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7/29/2018 10:51:18 PM

This subject is anatomy. Module 2 is 2 pages. Dicussion consists of 4 discussions and each discussion should be answered 150 words. Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014).Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 2 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

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