Reference no: EM131516696
Question: I am looking for help with this paper. Technical/Scientific writing. You can pick a topic and run with it. Please let me know what topic you choose please before proceeding.
1) What is the best way to control hunger and poverty in our society
2) The hardships a single parent will face with bringing up his or her kid
3) How to become a great speaker with leadership qualities
4) How to become a freelance technical writer
5) The importance of religion for Vatican and for the Muslim world
6) What it takes to graduate in the Military
Secrets Of Weight Lifting
Choose a topic of your own
Your report must include:
- Letter of Transmittal: 1 page
- Title Page: 1 page
- Abstract: 1 page
- Introduction: 1 page
- Body with section headings: 3-5 pages
- Conclusions and Recommendations: 1 page
- Bibliography: 1-2 pages - USE MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual Format
- Glossary (optional): 1 page
- Appendix (optional): 1 page
At least two visuals (photos, charts, tables, etc.) Use Chapters 12 and 13 for visual and page design standards and techniques.
References: Provide at least 10 references in the Bibliography; use footnotes or parenthetical citations to document information.
Potential Audience: Your primary readers will be workplace managers who are semitechnical in their level of knowledge.
Email me the result please.