Reference no: EM133316149
The exam will consist of 2 essay questions and you must answer 1 of them.
1. Revolutions are rare and complex events. In this essay, de?ne what you mean be "revolution," then discuss why they happen in some circumstances and not others. Lastly, explain the challenges of consolidating a new regime after the older regime has been overthrown. Use examples to illustrate your argument.
2. From 1776 until the early 20''1 century, the US could be characterized as a developing country attempting to grow and expand it's economic, political, and military in?uence beyond its borders. China has been attempting something similar over the past 40 years. Compare and contrast the rise of China with the rise of US as a global power. Use examples to show how China's rise has been similar to and different from the rise of the United States as a global power.
3. What is "Belt and Road" and why is the Chinese government pursuing this policy now? From the perspective of the Chinese government, what are the major goals (both domestic and international) of the Belt and Road initiative and what have been some of its main successes and failures?
4. The Belt and Road initiative seeks to bring more and more countries into China's sphere of economic and political in?uence. What are the primary bene?ts of the initiative for countries other than China? What are the main dangers or drawbacks?