Reference no: EM131684091
Select one developing or underdeveloped country from the Eastern Europe, Central or South America, Asia or Africa. Use these web sites to identify your country. Please try to select a variety of places. The discussion will be dull indeed if we all select Brazil or China! Your instructor may award extra points for selecting a more obscure location!
Locate reliable information form credible sources (no Wikipedia etc please!) about the following for your country:
What are its natural resources? This can include fresh water, arable land as well as things like coal, diamonds, oil, minerals (the rare earths are extremely important to technology products)
What are the ecological/environmental l challenges? deforestation, desertification disappearing species, loss of biodiversity, pollution to water, air and soil, impact of climate change such as rising sea levels etc.
What is being done and by who to protect the environment, repair the damage, stave off the effects of climate change or address the items you found in # 2
What is being done to allow the country to benefit from its resources in a responsible way? By who? (this maybe the U.N., developed countries, or NGO's)