What is an introduction

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Reference no: EM132453415

Unit One Objective: Introduction

What is an introduction? The Introduction of your report is organized as a funnel that begins with a definition of why the experiment is being performed and ends with a specific statement of your research approach. In published journal articles, there are at least two citations required in the introduction that support the need for your research and experiments, or show upon which theories your experiment relies. Make sure to include at least two citations in your introduction. (APA Style)

A non-technical reader must understand the Introduction, including the technical goals and objectives, the main technical issues, any applications in the real world (as appropriate). Provide context, any background required to understand the experiment. Explain the motivation for the project (as necessary), and provide a focus, a clear, one sentence purpose statement.

Format: The length of the Introduction should typically be about ½ page (1-3 paragraphs).

Tip: In general the more complex an experiment, the more background required (even to the point of including a separate background section). The experiments performed in 2.671, however, limit the scope of background material required in your Journal Articles.

Pitfalls to avoid: Including unnecessary background or being repetitive. Exaggerating (or understating) the importance of your work. Using lackluster openers and weak follow-through in the body of your introduction.

Objective for this assignment is to write an introduction to your thesis project.

Length: Format: The length of the Introduction should typically be about ½ page (1-3 paragraphs). APA style. ( See APA style ) for more information. Review the resources listed below to follow examples.

Reference no: EM132453415

Questions Cloud

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