Reference no: EM132677606
Assignment: Find an article which you will review. There is an outline of how to do an article review in the syllabus which you can use as a guide (I will provide the outline below). The article must fall under microeconomics. Use 12 fonts with double space.
What is an Article Review and How One is Written
An article review is a written evaluation of a particular work. It takes the form of an essay. It is done after careful reading, note-taking and analysis of what the author is trying to say. Your review's length may vary according to the article's size. Generally, two typed pages (12 fonts double-spaced) per article will suffice. Article Reviews are to be submitted in Blackboard. To submit the Reviews, go to the Content Page in Blackboard, then to the relevant week for the Article Review (be guided by the syllabus), and the link will be available for the Review to be uploaded. Note that both your review and the article that was reviewed are to be uploaded.
The review consists of four main parts that are placed in continuous narrative.
A. Description of the work
One or two paragraphs describing the work's physical structure and any information about the author you may have discovered. For example, magazine title, number of pages, publisher, copyright, date of publication, edition, whether it is part of a series or any other information you may think is relevant.
B. Statements of author's goals:
The author will state what he or she is trying to accomplish somewhere at the outset, either in the article's preface or in its introduction. In your own words, or paraphrasing the author, state the objective(s) of the article (one or two paragraphs).
C. Your verdict:
Did the author achieve the goals? Or, were some achieved but not all? Were the conclusions valid, or can you show when he or she hedged the point? If the answer is "yes" show why and use examples from the text to bolster your praise. If the answer is "no" do the same thing to back your claim. Remember, you should not praise or condemn without evidence.
D. Your Opinion of the whole Work:
Did you like the article? Use examples to bolster your statements.