Reference no: EM131463459
Question 1
__________ consequences are not imposed by adults, but children learn from them because they are immediate and directly related to the action.
A. Natural
B. Related
C. Deprivation
D. Exclusion
Question 2
Kelly is making Sam cry by drawing on Sam's artwork. Sam and his teacher, Mr. White, have discussed the problem with Kelly, but she refuses to stop. What should Mr. White do?
A. Tell Kelly she cannot use the markers until she is ready to respect other's artwork.
B. Tell Sam to continue giving Kelly "I messages" until she stops the behavior.
C. Send Kelly to time out for five minutes and make her apologize when she returns to the table.
D. Let the children work out the problem themselves as long as they are not hitting.
Question 3
Shondra lost her recess time because she forgot her homework. This is an example of:
A. exclusion.
B. a natural consequence.
C. punishment.
D. restitution.
Question 4
__________ consequences are directly tied to a behavior and help youngsters reflect on how their actions affect others.
A. Deprivation
B. Exclusion
C. Natural
D. Related
Question 5
A child uses materials in a center inappropriately and the teacher explains that he cannot return to that center until he agrees to use them correctly. This is an example of what kind of consequence?
A. Deprivation
B. Natural
C. Exclusion
D. Related
Question 6
Yesterday Joey pitched a fit and broke his crayons. Today he is crying because his crayons are broken. He tells his teacher that he will never break his crayons again when he is mad because he doesn't like coloring with broken crayons. This example describes a child learning from:
A. an exclusion consequence.
B. a deprivation consequence.
C. a natural consequence.
D. negative reinforcement.
Question 7
What is an appropriate related consequence for a child who hits another child?
A. Deprivation
B. Restitution
C. Restriction
D. Exclusion
Question 8
Related consequences must be selected carefully: they must matter to teachers and they must:
A. take away a child's dignity so they will learn.
B. take the focus off of the problem.
C. encourage the child to step away from his/her own needs.
D. help the child judge the pros and cons of certain behavior.
Question 9
In which circumstance would a natural consequence be the best?
A. Joni has climbed very high in a tree.
B. Noah runs toward a ball that has rolled into the street.
C. Adrian forgot to bring his jacket out for recess.
D. Carly doesn't like storytime at the library so she is always late getitng there.
Question 10
If a child is building a tower that is not sturdy and an adult does not intervene but instead lets the child build until the tower collapses, the adult is allowing the child to learn from a/an __________ consequence.
A. natural
B. related
C. deprivation
D. exclusion
Question 11
PointsConsequences that are imposed through adult power are:
A. natural.
B. logical.
C. useless.
D. punishment.
Question 12
Which is NOT true of natural consequences?
A. Results are immediate.
B. Results are directly related to the action.
C. They keep the focus on the child's behavior.
D. Resentment and anger are created.
Question 13
When Billy accidentally trips Jenny on the playground, Jenny skins her knee. Mrs. Kelly sends Billy to help Jenny clean up her knee. Mrs. Kelly is giving Billy a __________ consequence.
A. reciprocity
B. restitution
C. responsive
D. relative
Question 14
At the art center, Mary and Amy are arguing about crayons. Mary is refusing to share crayons with Amy because Amy refused to share the glue. Their teacher, Mrs. Miller, decides not to intervene. Mrs. Miller is hoping that Amy will learn to share through a/an __________ consequence imposed upon her by Mary.
A. exclusion
B. deprivation
C. reciprocal
D. restitution
Question 15
Which of these is an appropriate example of a teacher doing to a child what a child has done?
A. A child hits another student, so the teacher hits him.
B. A child refuses to help clean up his table when asked by the teacher, so
later when he asks for help cleaning up his center so that he can go to
recess the teacher will not help him.
C. A child reaches over and eats another student's cookie, so the teacher
eats that child's lunch.
D. A child is reading a book when the teacher is teaching, so later when
the child is trying to ask for help the teacher acts as if she doesn't
hear him.
Question 16
Claire would not sit down at the lunch table. When she spilled her milk the teacher said she could not have more until the afternoon snack. What kind of consequence did Claire have?
A. Corporal
B. Exclusion
C. Restitution
D. Natural
Question 17
__________ consequences are designed to help children think about why certain behaviors are unacceptable and why others are desirable.
A. Natural
B. Related
C. Deprivation
D. Restitution
Question 18
Reed knocked over Blake's block tower. The next day, Blake knocked over Reed's block tower. Their teacher didn't intervene because she believes in __________ as a type of consequence.
A. deprivation
B. exclusion
C. restitution
D. reciprocity
Question 19
__________ banishes the child from all activities and all of the children in the group.
A. Timeout
B. Exclusion
C. Deprivation
D. Reciprocity
Question 20
All of the following are true about punishment EXCEPT that it:
A. affects the immediate response.
B. generally produces negative side effects.
C. has long-term negative effects.
D. addresses the cause of the behavior.
Question 21
The discipline method that sets up artificial reward systems designed to get children to behave in certain ways is:
A. consequence management.
B. behavior modification.
C. behavioral discipline.
D. natural discipline.
Question 22
Points, tokens, marbles, and stickers are all examples of __________ rewards.
A. monetary
B. intermittent
C. scheduled
D. tangible
Question 23
Brain research shows that events that create __________ have negative effects on mental growth.
A. fear
B. anxiety
C. humiliation
D. All of the above
Question 24
Behavior modification is based primarily on the research of:
A. Skinner.
B. Piaget.
C. Erickson.
D. Kohn.
Question 25
When Jane reads a book because she thinks the book is interesting and fun to read, she is reading because of __________ motivation.
A. extrinsic
B. intrinsic
C. reinforced
D. necessary
Question 26
Using praise as a positive reinforcement can have negative effects such as a child feeling like he has failed a task if:
A. his friend gets a compliment first.
B. the teacher gives him a different compliment then his friend.
C. he doesn't get a compliment.
D. he feels rushed to complete his task.
Question 27
The kids in Miss Ramo's P.E. class keep folders with their personal records. Nobody else sees them, but each week several students work very hard to beat their own push-ups, sit-ups and jump roping records. These students are displaying __________ motivation.
A. extrinsic
B. competitive
C. athletic
D. intrinsic
Question 28
Positive "I messages" are a form of:
A. praise.
B. behavior modification.
C. assertive discipline.
D. encouragement.
Question 29
Praise does not convey unconditional love. Instead, it can make children feel:
A. a false sense of superiority.
B. insecure and fearful of rejection.
C. motivated to work harder.
D. like they have to make great personal sacrifices to gain approval.
Question 30
A teacher who comments on a student's artwork by saying, "Good work!" is using praise. Which statement below would be a more useful encouragement from the teacher?
A. "I love your picture! It is beautiful!"
B. "I am so proud of how you used the markers today!"
C. "I see you used a lot of string. Tell me about your picture!"
D. "I love it that you used red and green to paint the flowers!"
Question 31
Research has shown that children who are punished are most likely to turn to crime. In fact, in 2001, nearly __________ of every 100 American adults had served time in prison.
A. 3
B. 5
C. 8
D. 11
Question 32
Rewards are divided into the following three categories:
A. social rewards, scheduled rewards, and praise.
B. intangible, tangible, and social.
C. tangible rewards, praise, and privileges.
D. praise, scheduled rewards, and privileges.
Question 33
The emotional pain that often comes from punishment is:
A. often more long-lasting than bodily harm.
B. minor compared to the physical pain.
C. not something most children dwell on.
D. helpful in modifying behavior.
Question 34
Because older children are better at delaying gratification, __________ usually work well for them.
A. tangible rewards
B. praise
C. privileges
D. None of the above
Question 35
After Dan drops a glass, his mother calls him "clumsy" while she is cleaning the broken glass from the floor. Dan's mother is damaging his self-esteem by using __________ punishment.
A. corporal
B. verbal
C. physical
D. controlling
Question 36
All adults are sometimes pushed beyond their limits. Adults who feel angry may find themselves punishing a child's behavior instead of:
A. hugging the child.
B. giving praise.
C. teaching self-discipline.
D. using a time-out.
Question 37
Which country has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world?
A. England
B. China
C. The United States
D. Peru
Question 38
One school-wide strategy to eliminate corporal punishment is to:
A. offer parenting classes on behavior management.
B. address it at PTA meetings.
C. offer after-school classes for children addressing behavior modification issues.
D. give incentives to families to change their behavior.
Question 39
Taking away privileges totally unrelated to a behavior problem is:
A. an appropriate consequence.
B. an example of using natural consequences to help children learn appropriate behavior.
C. mistaken by some teachers as a consequence although it is a punishment.
D. an example of using logical consequences.
Question 40
Dustin uses the potty when his mom or teacher bribes him with M&M's. Dustin is __________ motivated to become potty trained.
A. not
B. intrinsically
C. forcefully
D. extrinsically.