What is an anthropometric variable

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Reference no: EM132402


(a) What is an anthropometric variable? In what ways can anthropometric data be used at the workplace for the design of a manhole to be provided in a confined space for maintenance purposes?

(b) How would you identify ergonomic problems in a construction site? List the types of injuries that may be caused to a worker due to poor manual handling of loads.

(c) Describe a good handling technique that can be adopted by a worker who is required to lift, carry or move loads exceeding 18 kilograms repetitively in the normal course of his work


(a) Ergonomics is the study of work in relation to the physical environment in which it is performed. Describe, in detail, how you would assess and control the thermal environment to maximize productivity at a workplace where workers may be affected by heat stress

(b) Describe the steps which should be taken to conduct a Job Safety Analysis for a worker who is required to change a tyre at a workshop


The storage and handling of materials can be carried out effectively in an organization by having fewer lifting operations, shorter transport and handling operations and a well-organized storage system. Describe the various methods that can be used in an organization to ensure that the storage and handling of materials are carried out in such a manner to avoid any delays in the production process.


(a) Explain the effects of health and safety on a worker who is required to perform a job standing for a long period of time. What are the measures that can be taken by a worker to protect his health where work has to be performed in a standing position during the whole day?

(b) Describe how controls and warning signs can be utilized while operating any machinery to reduce the risk of any accident to a worker.

Reference no: EM132402

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