What is an agenda 21

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133506


(a) Although Sustainable Development is high up on agenda of numerous countries throughout world it is still today a much contested concept. Give five reasons and give details why this is the case.

(b) Give four examples how effectual communication can help in implementation of Sustainable Development?


(a) Illustrate what an ecosystem is, giving two examples.

(b) Explain four major categories of ecosystem services.


(a) What is an Agenda 21?

(b) What is the Local Agenda 21? Explain its six main elements.


Write short notes on-

(a) Weak sustainability and strong sustainability

(b) Polluter Pays Principle

(c) Life-Cycle Assessment

Reference no: EM133506

Questions Cloud

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What is the sustainable development : What is the sustainable development
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