Reference no: EM133226413
Can someone please help me to answer below questions:
1. In an automobile manufacturing plant two parallel machining centres are used to produce a motor component. On average, each machining centre can produce 10 units of the component per hour and on average there are 5 units of the component being processed or waiting to being processed? What is the average amount of time components spend at the machining centres?
a. 6 minutes
b. 15 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 60 minutes
2. Given a resource pool of 3 non-identical resource units with an effective unit load of (10,15,30) minutes per flow unit, what is the effective capacity?
a. 6 units per hour.
b. 12 units per hour.
c. 18 units per hour.
d. 24 units per hour
3. A sports retailer has to decide on its desired level of product availability well ahead of the uncertain customer demand. Given a purchase price of £300 per unit, a regular retail price of £450 per unit and a discount retail price of £250 per unit, what is the optimal level of product availability for the retailer?
a. The optimal level of product availability is 67%.
b. The optimal level of product availability is 75%
c. The optimal level of product availability is 85%.
d. The optimal level of product availability is 90%
4. A retail store sells about 250 units of a certain product each month. The product has a unit cost of £50 and the store face annual inventory holding cost of 20% (including physical holding cost and cost of capital). The fixed cost of a replenishment order is £150. Given that the retail store wants to minimize annual ordering and holding cost, what order quantity do you recommend?
a. 85
b. 215
c. 250
d. 300
5. For its replacement parts, a manufacturer faces a monthly demand with a mean of 4000 units and standard deviation of 300 units. Given that it takes four months to manufacture the replacement parts, how much safety inventory should the manufacturer keep assuring a service level of 98% (note that the safety factor z needs to be equal to 2.05 in this case)?
a. 300
b. 615
c. 1,230
d. 2,460
6. After freezing, ice cream must be kept between -15 and -35 degrees Celsius. The refrigeration process needed to keep the temperature has a standard deviation of 2 degrees Celsius while the mean temperature is -25 degrees Celsius. What is the capability ratio (Cp) of this process?
a. 0.50
b. 0.83
c. 1.67
d. 3.33
7. The supplier of an automobile manufacturer is planning to implement Heijunka (production levelling). The manufacturer has suggested to the supplier to cut the batch size from currently 40 units down to 10 units. To achieve this, the supplier should:
a. Reduce the setup cost by the factor of 4
b. Reduce the setup cost by the factor of 16
c. Reduce the setup cost by the factor of √4
d. Ignore setup cost as these have no effect on batch size.