What is adrenaline and cortisol

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133570107


1. What is the purpose of stress? Name 4 or 5 serious side effects of chronic stress:

2. What is adrenaline and cortisol? Explain the difference between the 2 hormones:

3. If two thirds of people have the H-Pylori bacteria (that causes ulcers), explain how stress contributes to ulcers developing:

4. What can you do (personally) to counter some of these negative side effects? List at least 4 things:

5. What can the tuberculosis tragedy (with the baboons) that Robert described, teach us humans about behavior and stress?

6. Explain one or two things you learned from this documentary about stress:

Reference no: EM133570107

Questions Cloud

How filtration is used to remove microbes from air and water : Explain how filtration is used to remove microbes from air and water. (Be sure to include relevant units of measure such as pore size).
Review the drug including its pharmacological action : Select a drug from one of these classes (synthetic cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids or fentanyl analogues) to conduct research on.
What are the general functions of autonomic nervous system : What are the general functions of the autonomic nervous system? What happens when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated?
Examine f1-f2 generations can illustrate laws of inheritance : A cross between purebred parents (P) that examines the F1 and F2 generations can illustrate laws of inheritance.
What is adrenaline and cortisol : What is adrenaline and cortisol? Explain the difference between the 2 hormones:
Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction : Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction. Define the terms used to describe eukaryotic cells and chromosomes.
What volume of blood plasma in ml was cleared : If a person's blood cortisol concentration is 10 µg/mL, and 10 mg of cortisol can be excreted from the body in a 24-hour period.
What are 2 ways that shallow water waves can form : There are several types of shallow-water waves, so be sure to explain which type is formed by which process.
What is the best way to clarify a patients symptoms : What is the best way to clarify a patient's symptoms? How would clarifying symptoms impact treatment?


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