What is activation energy

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133414415


1. The capacity to do work is _______________.

2. Energy that is stored, and not currently being used to do work, is referred to as ______________.

3. The energy of motion - or energy that is doing work - is referred to as ______________.

4. The study of energy is called ___________________.

5. What are two ways to state the first law of thermodynamics?

6. What are two ways to state the second law of thermodynamics?

7. When energy is transferred or transformed, some of the energy will always be lost as __________.

8. The measure of the disorder of a system is called ___________.

9. Why is the entropy of the universer increasing?

10. Consider the reaction: AB --> A + B

  • What is(are) the reactant(s)?
  • What is(are) the product(s)?
  • Is this reaction catabolic or anabolic?
  • Is this reaction exergonic or endergonic?
  • Will this reaction tend to occur spontaneously?

11. What is activation energy?

12. Why can heat sometimes supply activation energy?

13. Can heat supply the activation energy in living organisms? why or why not?

14. What is catalysis?

15. What organic molecule acts as a catalyst in living organisms?

16. What type of organic molecule is an enzyme?

17. What do enzymes bind in their active sites?

18. What is a "repressor"? What is an "activator"?

19. What molecule contains "binding sites"?

20. What molecules are included in an enzyme-substrate complex?

21. Does the enzyme-substrate complex always form during a reaction?

22. Why are enzymes sensitive to temperature and pH?

23. Can enzymes catalyze many different types of reactions?

24. Are enzymes permanently changed by participating in a reaction?

25. Are enzymes temporarily changed by participating in a reaction?

26. How does competitive inhibition differ from noncompetitive inhibition?

Reference no: EM133414415

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