Reference no: EM133217075
Discussion: Key answers to the following discussion questions in grammatically correct complete sentences.
Question 1. What is a virtual meeting? Explain why companies are now using videoconferencing rather than face-to-face meetings. List and explain seven best practices as shared in the textbook for creating a best result virtual meeting.
Question 2. Explain bribery and describe in detail the U.S. Antibribery laws
Question 3. List and explain your top five of ten recommendations that you feel will help you improve your workplace listening.
Question 4. Analyze the following scenarios and apply the six-step procedure for dealing with conflict outlined in the following:
A . During an important meeting, several agenda items deal with actions that are crucial to the success of a current project. They require that key decisions be made-fast! As usual, Teresa is joking and telling entertaining stories without regard for the meeting's urgency. Her coworker, Joseph, is becoming impatient and irritated. He doesn't understand why the other meeting participants and his boss, in particular, don't stop Teresa's antics.
B. A manager and her assistant plan to attend a conference together at a resort location. Six weeks before the conference, the company announces a cutback and limited conference attendance to one person. The assistant, who has developed a presentation specifically for the conference, feels that he should be the one to attend. The manager feels that she should be the one to attend based on her need for professional development opportunities. Travel arrangements must be made immediately.