What is a unigene sequence

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1397887

1) Describe how cDNA is produced, clearly indicating the relationship between a gene, an mRNA, and a cDNA?

2) What is an EST? How is an EST different from a genomic sequence? How is an EST different from a cDNA sequence? What is the EST database? What is a UniGene sequence (the Unigene database if you prefer)?

3)Describe a microarray and how it works? Indicate what is fixed to a support and what is used to probe the microarray. How does a microarray differ from a Northern blot?

Reference no: EM1397887

Questions Cloud

Describe how the reporter gene construct : Reporter genes are often used to study how the transcription of a particular gene is controlled during fruit fly development. You are interested in a gene called brainless that you think is involved in neural cell development.
Calculate the frequency of heterozygotes for albinism : Albinism, an autosomal recessive trait characterized by an absence of skin pigmentation, is found in 1 in 4000 people in populations at equilibrium.
Describe pilgrimage or crusade in europe during middle ages : If you had lived in Europe during Middle Ages, describe whether you would have rather gone on pilgrimage or on Crusade. Refer to specific aspects of journey to justify your choice.
Anova problem for comparing three treatment means : Given the following sample information, test the hypothesis that the treatment means are equal at the .05 significance level.
What is a unigene sequence : Describe a microarray and how it works? Indicate what is fixed to a support and what is used to probe the microarray. How does a microarray differ from a Northern blot.
Method of determining the relationships : A method of determining if relationships exist between two variables is:
Find estimated genotypic frequency of the lethal hh genotype : Mexican hairless dogs are heterozygous (Hh), carrying a single copy of the dominant lethal allele. In a given population, the Hh genotypic frequency is 60% and the frequency of each homozygote is 20%.
Consider wilsons statement : Describe the common pattern of alternating extinctions and radiations. Consider Wilson's statement. What evidence can you find to support or refute that statement? Do you agree with Wilson? Explain why you do or don't agree and present the evidenc..
Role of the f test in multiple regression : What is the role of the F test in multiple regression? (b) How is the F statistic calculated from the ANOVA table? (c) Why are tables rarely needed for the F test?


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