What is a stakeholder of an organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133171641

1. What is a stakeholder of an organization? Why should even the most profifit driven manager bother about the fifirm's stakeholders?

2. Construct a normative (moral) and an instrumental (strategic) set of arguments suggesting why fifirms should or should not consider the interests of core stake holders such as employees, consumers, suppliers and shareholders. Which is the most persuasive? Discuss using practical examples.

3. What are key practical implications for managers from stakeholder theory? What tools, structures, processes or strategies would stakeholder theory suggest for fifirms seeking to be socially responsible?

4. Using Mitchell, Agle, and Wood's stakeholder salience framework, describe how a fifirm would determine the relative importance of its various stakeholders. Using examples, set out the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach.

5. To what extent is stakeholder theory a uniquely US concept? Answer the question by drawing on examples of how key stakeholders, such as owners, employees, managers and local communities relate to companies in a Western European, Scandinavian, or Japanese context.

Reference no: EM133171641

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