What is a solution for the nursing shortage

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133481882

Controversial Issues in the Professions

This research essay assignment is designed to develop argumentation, research, critical thinking, writing, and persuasive skills, and create a polished research-based academic argument.

- A multi-source research essay will help you to construct logically developed essays that synthesize, integrate, and contextualize
multiple outside sources (through quotations, paraphrasing, and summary) with their own voice, analysis, or position, using appropriate documentation.
- Research and write a fully documented research paper, using skills necessary for the detailed study of whatever field you may enter.
- Gain resources for your own writing and development of your own clear style.

- Maintain an effective balance of ethos, pathos, and logos.
- Convey your points through professional academic writing.

This assignment will also help you to gain mastery in the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
- Identifying and analyzing rhetorical and organizational strategies from a variety of sources and employing appropriate strategies to compose thesis-driven essays.
- Understanding how professional writers employ organizational and rhetorical techniques to develop their ideas clearly and persuasively.



You will argue a position concerning an issue that relates to your chosen profession
(or, if you do not have a "chosen profession," a career, field, or profession that interests you).

- Your research should come from credible sources ( professional articles with the authors' names and page numbers).

PROMPT - You will begin by identifying specific career-related controversies in the field (Historical Background), and then you will
choose one controversy to focus on for your essay; then, you will research the controversy, select relevant sources related to your topic, generate ideas, and develop a working thesis.

- Your final essay should be detailed in terms of content, evidence, sources, and support. The topic should be tight and focused, and your position should be responsibly, persuasively, and credibly argued.

As with any strong argument essay, you should: write:

1. Title

2. Abstract (3 sentences)
3. A focused introduction (hook, problem (what kind of problem ther audience explain the controversy), significance, purpose, audience,valurs and needs of the audience, thesis (7 sentences).-

4. Historical Background/Literature Review (career - related controversies). Write one page.

5. Main Part (Four Body Paragraphs). Analyze two professional articles (articles with the authors' names), focusing on one controversy, and two articles, presenting counterarguments. Summarize the articles, share with your audience what the main claims and subclaims are; include statistics and facts. Acknowledge all sources and use parenthetical citations (for example, Smith 18). Do not use wikipedia and websites.

AGAIN: Support your argument with the body paragraphs, choosing one controversy to focus on for your essay (two paragraphs) and two paragraphs, presenting counterarguments.

Write 250 words per body paragraph. Reference outside sources (4 sources) smoothly and effectively to illustrate points and to support a claim and an anti-claim.
6. CONCLUSION. Conclude with a focused conclusion in which you sum up your main points and emphasize the significance of your argument (two-three sentences). Then, write recommendations for the audience for their future research, address implications of this topic in different fields of knowledge, forecast for those people who are going to use the same strategies, and warn those who will ignore exploring this approach. (Total 6 sentences)

7. Works Cited (4 sources or more). Professional articles only, with the authors' names.

8. Self-Reflection. Evaluate your project using Aristotelian techniques (ethos, logos, and pathos). One paragraph.
N.B! Do not forget to use Headings: Abstract, Introduction, Historical Background, Main Part (body paragrapahs), Conclusion, Works Cited, Self-Reflection (with ethos, logos, and pathos).
Supplementary materials:

Nursing/Medical Careers

  • What is a solution for the nursing shortage?
  • What is a solution for nursing burnout?
  • Is the current healthcare system in the U.S. effective? If not, what could or should be
  • done to improve it?
  • Are prescription medication companies taking advantage of consumers? If so, what could
  • or should be done to prevent this?
  • Business Careers
  • What can be done to reduce Wall Street corruption?
  • What can or should be done to improve wealth inequality?
  • What can or should be done to prevent discrimination in the workplace?

Reference no: EM133481882

Questions Cloud

Explain how these methods and sources would influence : Identify a specific population affected by your selected health problem. - Identify two secondary data sources that you could use to collect the data needed
What results do you think you will see and why : Design of the study, did you include all we need to know? Ask yourself whether someone can replicate your study. This includes participants, recruitment
Provide extensive additional information on the topic : Provide extensive additional information on the topic - Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail Share an applicable personal experience
Discuss key issues that will affect supply chains : Discuss key issues that will affect supply chains. Recommend how organizations can use supply chains to compete in the marketplace.
What is a solution for the nursing shortage : What is a solution for the nursing shortage? What is a solution for nursing burnout? Is the current healthcare system in the U.S. effective?
Describe the fungus or helminth you have selected : Describe the fungus or helminth you have selected in your own words, be sure to list a reference. Find a picture and share it with your colleagues.
Compare and contrast the u.s. health care delivery system : Compare and contrast the U.S. health care delivery system relative to spending per capita and ranking of health care outcomes with the health care system
How these facets differ in the care of adult patients versus : how these facets differ in the care of adult patients versus children. Keep in mind as you research your issue, that laws differ by state and your clinical
Who will have access to the data during and after its use : Who will have access to the data during and after its use (real-time and historical) and for what purposes. Will analytics need to be performed at the edge


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