What is a sequence and write its syntax

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131529165

Question: 1. What string function should you use to list the first three characters of a company's EMP_LNAME values? Give an example using a table named EMPLOYEE. Provide examples for Oracle and SQL Server.

2. What is a sequence? Write its syntax.

3. What is a trigger, and what is its purpose? Give an example.

Reference no: EM131529165

Questions Cloud

How your personal philosophy of education has changed : Discuss how your personal philosophy of education has changed as a result of what you have learned in this class and/or this program.
What are the factors to consider : What are the factors to consider in deciding whether a fast or slow approach to change is best
Describe and discuss the evolution of hebrew society : Comparing the two great empires-Assyrian and Persian-that emerged after the thirteenth century B.C.E. How were they created?
Recommend activities that you think would increase knowledge : Recommend assignments or activities that you think would increase knowledge and skills in instructional methods of those taking this class.
What is a sequence and write its syntax : What string function should you use to list the first three characters of a company's EMP_LNAME values? Give an example using a table named EMPLOYEE.
Corporate taxes to determine the value of the levered firm : use the MM model with corporate taxes to determine the value of the levered firm.
Organize your ideas using a cluster or outline : Organize your ideas using a cluster or outline. Determine the plot outline as shown in Freytag's Pyramid in the Narrative Essay Presentation.
Describe the staffing process : Use the staffing components model to help you think through and describe the staffing process that led to your getting hired for the job
Develop your critical and analytical thinking skills : Develop your critical and analytical thinking skills as well as your writing skills.


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