What is a process

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131552410

Question: What is a process? What part of the operating system manages processes? Define the following terms: process ID, parent process, child process, fork and exec.

Reference no: EM131552410

Questions Cloud

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What is a process : What part of the operating system manages processes? Define the following terms: process ID, parent process, child process, fork and exec.
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Investment outlay for machine for capital budgeting purposes : What is the initial investment outlay for the machine for capital budgeting purposes, that is, what is the Year 0 project cash flow?


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Operating System Questions & Answers

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The Shortest Job Next (SJN) algorithm queues processes in a way that the ones that use the shortest CPU cycle will be selected for running rst.

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n a competitive market place (pure competition) is it possible to continually sell your product at a price above the average cost of production.

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Simulate the long-term scheduler, the short-term scheduler and the I/O scheduler of the computer using the First-Come-First-Serve algorithm.

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Research paper discussing the issues with Trusted Platform Module (TPM)


Explain a complication that concurrent processing adds to an operating system.

  Design and programming

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  Virtual machines

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  Discuss an application that benefits barrier synchronization

Discuss an application that would benefit from the use of barrier synchronization

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