What is a networking device

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133363642


Ava recently purchased a commercial real estimate (a 150,000 square feet office building) (GMU Enterprise Hall has less than 100,000 square feet of space.). She has already signed a rental contract with a local retail bank to combine several offices into one large office to be used as a branch office by this retail bank. This rental contract includes all network services required to support the retail banking operations and transactions. She also plans to open up 2 businesses/companies using this office building:

1. Telecommunications Service Provider. It is anticipated that in the first year of operation, this business will serve 50 businesses/companies with a total of 4,000 employees. The projected annual growth rate is 5%.

2. Online Bookkeeping Service. This business requires a remote data center/server. This business is projected to serve 500 customers/companies on an annual basis.

Answer the following questions based on the above facts:

  • A network infrastructure diagram for the proposed intranet, showing how all proposed local area networks are interconnected
  • The device or devices will be used to interconnect these proposed local area networks For every proposed local area network:
  • A network diagram
  • The type of network o What was covered in class about this?
  • The networking devices that will be used to build the network. What is a networking device?
  • The business or businesses that will be supported by the network.

Reference no: EM133363642

Questions Cloud

Compare the evolution of windows server : This can include Windows 2000, 2003 Server, or 2008 Server. Compare the evolution of Windows Server, including Windows 2016 R2 Server.
Advantages-disadvantages of deploying windows nano servers : Describe the optimal circumstances for deploying this version of Windows Server over the others? provide specific examples.
Discuss development of database management systems : Discuss the historical development of database management systems and logical data models, starting from the file-based system of the past to today.
Explain eliminated jobs and fundamentally changed jobs : Explain your justification for the jobs in the following four job categories: Eliminated jobs (3 jobs) Fundamentally changed jobs (4 jobs) Unchanged jobs.
What is a networking device : The type of network o What was covered in class about this? The networking devices that will be used to build the network. What is a networking device?
What is the difference between tcp and udp : What is the difference between TCP and UDP? What are the TCP Flags/where do we find TCP Flags? What are the layers of the OSI model?
Discuss technologies available to reduce storage costs : Also, discuss technologies available to reduce overall storage costs and optimize disk space. Would you use RAID? SAN? Why or why not.
Discuss whether the selected case from the assigned category : Discuss whether the selected case from the assigned category block was an example of sex or labor trafficking. Explain your response.
Describe what happens with the nj internal affairs process : Using Appendix A, and the NJ Attorney General Guidelines on Internal Affairs. Describe what happens with the NJ internal affairs process when a complaint


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