Reference no: EM13340510
1. You microinject "BICOID" mutant (null) eggs at the (1)Anterior end (2) posterior end and (3) center with "BICOID mRNA". For each case (1,2,and 3) predict (A) mRNA localization of the maternal-effect genes immediately after injection (B) the protein localization of the maternal-effect genes a few hours after the injection (C) the pattern of gap gene expression at cellularization and (D) the presumptive body plan of the embryo at cellularization. Explain your logic at each step.
2. "Runt" is a primary pair-rule gene that represses and is repressed by fushi tarazu.
(A) Assume "RUNT" stripe 4 is regulated by Kruppel, caudal, and giant. Draw a (hypothethical) "RUNT" stripe 4 enhancer, and show on a drawing of a gap gene-expressing embryo where that stripe of "runt" would be expressed and why.
(B) Every other segment will fail to form in a runt mutant embryo: explain why
3. Your great-uncle has spent his life studying the Madagascan Frilled Pilibug.

Over the years he has collected several mutant strains for the Zoo. When he heard you were taking developmental biology, he shipped you a box containing several of these mutants and ask for your help in analyzing them. One of the mutants (fancy) has an extra frill on the back of the head, located just behind the one all Frilled Pillbugs have. One mutant (shorty) has a much shorter abdomen than wildtype bugs and is missing the back pair of legs and one mutant (clown) has no legs and a frill that goes all the way around.
Assuming Madagascan Frilled Pil!bugs have axis specification mechanisms similar to Drosophila, speculate as to what class of gene is mutated in each bug, and explain why that class of mutation would lead to that phenotype.
4. What is a homeotic mutant? What do homeotic genes do? Explain why homeosis occurs in a homeotic mutant. Use an example from animals and an example from plants to discuss the similarities and differences between homeotic mutants/genes in plants and animals.