What is a fun program idea that could get people to engage

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Reference no: EM133403894

1.) Discuss a specific behavior related to food waste

2.) What learning contingencies maintain the behavior of food waste( what would be the consequences for people/business/ etc who continue to waste food)

3.) What is a fun program idea that could get people to engage in helpful, environmentally conscious behaviors instead of negative ones like wasting food

Reference no: EM133403894

Questions Cloud

How does your culture affect how you think about moral issue : Which of the three approaches do you adopt when thinking about moral issues? How does your culture affect how you think about moral issues?
What explains kimmies failure to engage in cognitive : each piano piece from beginning to end instead of practicing the complex parts. What explains Kimmie's failure to engage in cognitive self-regulation
Investigation into mindfulness to support : An investigation into mindfulness to support the wellbeing of trauma-affected primary school students in Australia." please explain with references
Do you believe people are conditioned : Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Do you believe people are conditioned (taught) to hate or is hate a natural occurrence? If hate is learned
What is a fun program idea that could get people to engage : What is a fun program idea that could get people to engage in helpful, environmentally conscious behaviors instead of negative ones like wasting food
Do you think older people receive sufficient respect : Do you think older people receive sufficient respect in the U.S. today? Do the older members of your family receive special privileges?
New software or hardware that they could try implementing : the class should have a list of new software or hardware that they could try implementing.
Does worrying about things that have not happened effect : Explain your reasoning. Does worrying about things that have not happened effect a person's mental and/or physical health in a negative way?
How does in your view selective abortion to control illness : How does in your view selective abortion to control illnesses/abnormalities differ from selective abortion to control sex of children?


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