What is a friend function and how is it declared

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131225357

Discussion Questions

Please respond to all of the following prompts:

• What is a friend function and how is it declared?
• Which operators cannot be overloaded and why?
• What is a macro in C++ programming and what are some advantages to using them?
• Explain the purpose of an inline function?

Lab Activity

1. This week you will modify the Week 5 C++ program to code friend function.

• To complete this activity, please refer to: Programming Problems 15.1, page 738, #2.

It sometimes happens at a hotel that a guest wants to be transferred from one room to another. In the Hotel Room class of Chapters 11 and 12, add a friend function Transfer() that transfers a guest from one room to another. The func¬tion should have two arguments. The first argument should be the number of the room you are transferring guests from; the second argument should be the room number you are transferring guests to. The function should make appropriate changes to the occupancy status of both rooms Code a mai no to test the new f ri end function.

2. Write an original C++ program based on the requirements listed in the final project.

• To complete this activity, please refer to the following document in DocSharing: Week 6 Final Programming Project.

• Submission Instructions: ***NOTE: For all C++ assignments, include a screenshot of your C++ program in the Visual Studio window along with the output showing or submit the actual program file. Do this for all labs.

Reference no: EM131225357

Questions Cloud

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