What is a dbms and what are its functions

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131176041


1. Find a current article describing relational database architecture best practices. Share and discuss the article with the class.

2. What is data redundancy, and which characteristics of the file system can lead to it?

3. What is data independence, and why is it lacking in file systems?

4. What is a DBMS, and what are its functions?

5. What is structural independence, and why is it important?

6. Explain the differences among data, information, and a database.

7. What is the role of a DBMS, and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

8. List and describe the different types of databases.

9. What are the main components of a database system?

Reference no: EM131176041

Questions Cloud

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What is a dbms and what are its functions : What is a DBMS, and what are its functions? What is structural independence, and why is it important? Explain the differences among data, information, and a database.
What are differences between oop and procedural programming : Response must be more than 250 words with a cited source. What are the differences between OOP and procedural programming?
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